Easee Charger Review

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About the Easee Review

Easee is a company that offers a wide range of EV chargers for both residential and commercial use. The company has a team of experts who are always available to help you choose the best charger for your needs. The company was started in 2018, and its headquarters is in Norway.

The company offers a variety of EV chargers, and you can choose the one that best suits your needs. The company also has a wide range of accessories that you can use with the charger. These include an installation kit, extension cord, and wall mount.

Through the years, the company has grown to become a leading supplier of EV chargers in the market. It has also partnered with several car manufacturers, including Tesla and Nissan.


Currently, Easee offers 3 main categories of EV chargers namely, Home Charging, Apartment Blocks, and Commercial Buildings. You can choose between the tethered and untethered charger units.

Home Charging Solutions

Easee One Charger

This is a single charger that is designed for home use. It comes with an LCD display that shows the charging status and a LED light that indicates when the charging is complete. The charger can deliver up to 7 kW of power, which is more than enough to charge most electric cars.

The wall-mounted charger is very easy to install, and you can do it yourself without the need for a professional. The installation kit is included in the package. The charger also comes with a permanent locking system that ensures a secure connection.

Apartment Blocks Chargers

These are commercial chargers that have the capacity of delivering up to 22kW of power. You can have these chargers installed in the parking space of apartments and other buildings.

With the apartment chargers, you can charge multiple cars at the same time. The chargers come with an LCD display that shows the charging status and a LED light that indicates when the charging is complete. The installation kit is included in the package.

Commercial Buildings Chargers: Charging Robot

These chargers are designed for commercial use and they come with a variety of options to choose from. You can choose the charger that best suits your needs. The chargers are also compatible with most charging networks, including Tesla, ChargePoint, and Blink.

These are heavy-duty chargers that can deliver up to 50kW of power. They are perfect for businesses that have a lot of electric vehicles. The Easee charging robot comes with an LCD display that shows the charging status and a LED light that indicates when the charging is complete. The installation kit is included in the package.

Through the years, Easee has partnered with several car manufacturers, including Tesla and Nissan. The company is also a leading supplier of EV chargers in the market with the highest charging power using the best charging robot energy.

If you’re looking for an EV charger, then Easee is definitely a brand that you should consider. The company offers a wide range of chargers that are designed to be very user-friendly.

Easee App

The Easee Connect app is available for both Android and iOS devices. The app allows you to monitor the charging process in real-time. You can also use the app to control the charger as it comes with an automatic queuing system. It is equipped with an integrated rfid reader which is effective in energy measurement.

With the app, you are able to enjoy all the functions of a smart or intelligent EV charger. The app will also notify you when the charging is complete. Using this modern app, you can easily find charging points that are close by.

EV drivers can have peace of mind knowing they are able to keep track of the charging progress of their vehicles and can monitor the power supply. The intelligent temperature measurement is convenient and works well with integrated earth fault protection.

The free Easee app is available for free on the App Store and Google Play Store and makes this become a smart charger.

Easee Electric Cars Charger Installation

The installation process of Easee chargers is very easy. The charger comes with an installation kit that makes it very easy to install. You can do it yourself without the need for a professional.

Easee Chargers are compatible with most charging networks, including Tesla, ChargePoint, and Blink.

The chargers also come with a permanent locking system that ensures a secure connection. For safe installation, you should consider hiring a qualified technician so as to make sure that the chargers are installed in the right manner. You have the option of choosing from the home or commercial charging units.

The cost of installation will vary depending on the type of charger you choose.

Our Verdict

Easee has a wide range of electric vehicle chargers that are designed to be very user-friendly. The company offers a wide range of chargers that are perfect for both home and commercial use. Easee is definitely a brand that you should consider if you’re looking for an EV charger.

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8 Great!


  • User-friendly design
  • Fully Dynamic Charging Power
  • Compatible with most charging networks
  • Installation kit included
  • Wifi Connection Permanent Locking
  • Easee Connect App


  • Installation
  • Support
  • 3-year warranty